Your First Subconscious Healing Meditation Experience


We are ALL about creating an experience that you can take with you. A healing and transformative space that allows you to explore your energy, awaken your intuitive senses and embody who you are destined to be! 

To live an inspired life, we must first learn how to look within... And not just at what you see or understand consciously, but everything that lies beneath the surface too.

In the beginning, we hold space for you to enjoy this process and uncover your unique way of accessing this new awareness.

We currently offer Live Online Events either through zoom or in our Subconscious Healing Meditation Facebook Group.

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Learn How To Intuitively Look Within...

Many of our clients are ready to become the leader of their journey... To become truly empowered to change their life, by using their intuitive super powers!

Subconscious Healing Meditation enhances your abilities and will introduce you to a new way of connecting with your higher self energy. By learning how to attune to the purest form of this energy, you will unlock the doors to a new sense of self and inspiration from within.

With Emma's support, you will develop a deep sense of trust, as you navigate through transitions in every aspect of your life!

If you're ready to transform your experience of wellness and intuition, you may be feeling:

  • Inspired to create change in your life and relationships

  • Eager to upgrade your current tools and practices

  • Ready to make a difference for yourself and for those around you

  • The desire to learn how to release the things that aren't working for you

  • The pull towards finding techniques that truly work to support you and attract more things that benefit you, your life and your relationships

  • The motivation to become the empowered leader of your life and your journey of personal development

  • Curious about how to change your life, without any fears or doubts slowing you down 

Your Subconscious Healing Meditation Retreat Experience


If you're looking for some inspired travel in healing places, check out our upcoming Retreat Experiences.

We ensure a personal experience by keeping our groups small and peaceful, with a deep, transformative program that will change your life!

If you're interested in our retreat availability or would like to ask about something specific for you, your family or your friends, then click below to send an enquiry.

Enquire Here

Why Learn From Emma?


"For a majority of our clients there is a sense of disbelief...

They can't imagine a life where they could be free from their daily struggles... Honestly, I felt the same way in the beginning!"

Up until the moment I first tried Subconscious Healing, I had lived with pain and misfortune. I had no reference to this new experience of 'believing in love and freedom!'

Yet once I started the Subconscious Healing Meditation Practice, I was presented with a myriad of new synchronicities and feelings every day, reaffirming that I had come across something special.

It was so unique, so empowering and so inspiring, that the old me couldn't even fathom it's presence!

I had awakened an innate, intuitive intelligence, that gifted me with the ability to see the true beauty of life!

To evolve freely from this space is the essence of Subconscious Healing... And it has been the sole focus of my daily practice every day since.

What Will This Mean For You?

By learning with Emma, you will benefit from her many years of practice. She will guide you to find a new sense of self, inspired by what lies within.

This introduction to a new personal development experience will build upon any of your current skills and expertise, whilst offering the support you need to evolve freely in the future.

This means that you will progress forward every day, with 'easy to use' techniques that will encourage new change and development, beyond your current belief of what is possible.

You can also say goodbye to: 

  • Long, drawn-out courses or processes!

  • Scary, painful or uncomfortable experiences! That may give you immediate relief but don't dive into the root of the issue.

  • Tools that you try once and never use because they don't work!

  • Ongoing expenses for support on the same topics over and over again!

  • Being stuck in old patterns and trauma, unable to shift them! 

  • Stagnating in your life with no sense of direction or purpose.

  • Feeling unsure about your ability to support yourself or others.

  • Feeling unsafe or trapped with no way of moving forward. 

This is a safe, empowering experience of discovering who you truly are and learning how to evolve without the limitations of your past or the influence of your negative thoughts.

The true source of your inspiration and transformation will become YOU! Which means you will be learning how to support yourself in a new reality, where YOU are the key.

Become the empowered leader of your life and your personal development journey today!

Book A Free Subconscious Healing Meditation Session!


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